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Orleans Town Hall

Office Hours:                                                   Staff:
Monday – Friday:       8:30am – 4:30pm       Robert F. Henderson, Jr. – Clerk/Treasurer

Saturday & Sunday:  Closed                           Lisa Parker – Utilities Clerk

                                                                           Bonnie Williams – Accounts Payable Clerk

Phone: (812) 865-2539 ~ Fax: (812) 865-3413

161 E. Price Ave.
Orleans, IN  47452

Email: orleanstownhall@town.orleans.in.us

Street Department

177 North Franklin Street
Orleans, IN  47452

Mission Statement
It is our mission to maintain and improve the infrastructure of our Town for all of it’s citizens by looking to the past but keeping our eyes to the future. We seek to provide the best possible services for our citizens at a minimum cost and to meet the needs of Orleans in a warm personal way.

Agency Functions: Snow removal, public area mowing, street repairs, maintenance and general upkeep on the town.


Monday – Friday:     7am – 3:30pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Dan Houchin – Town Superintendent

Joe Pitel – Laborer

Andrew Evans – Laborer

Emergency Number after hours: 812-865-2222
Email: dhouchin@town.orleans.in.us

Water Department

161 E. Price Ave.
Orleans, IN  47452

Hours:                                                             Staff:
Monday – Friday:      7am – 3:30pm            Josh Dixon – Water Systems Operator

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

2023 Orleans Water Quality Report

Phone: 812 865 2539 ~ Emergency Number after hours: 812-865-2222

Sewer Department

Hours:                                                          Staff:
Monday – Friday:     7am – 3:30pm          Scott Schutte – WWTP Superintendent

Saturday & Sunday: Closed                       Chris Nelson – Assistant Operator

Phone: 812-865-2858 ~ Emergency Number after hours: 812-865-2222

1018 S. Maple Street
Orleans, IN 47452

Email: cnelson@town.orleans.in.us

Mission Statement
Keeping the environment clean through technology is the primary purpose of the Orleans Wastewater Facility.

The first sewer lines were installed in the 1930’s by the W.P.A. and the first sewer plant was built in 1940 on the existing grounds. The next plant was established in 1963 and consisted of a digester, a raw and primary clarifier, a final clarifier and a chlorine contact tank. During this period chlorine was used for disinfection of the final effluent before discharging into the sinkhole. Today’s existing treatment plant was built in 1990 and 1991.

In 2013 all the town’s original sewers were repaired or replaced and the WWTP underwent some minor improvements along with the construction of a new lift station.

Due to the stringent limits set by the state on our effluent requirements. These parameters are recorded daily and sent to the I.D.E.M. monthly. Today’s plant can treat 220,000 gallons per day and still meet our permit requirements. In Orleans today, there is approximately 64,000 lineal feet of sewer lines, one main lift station, two sub-lift stations and one lift station for the industrial park.

Treatment Facility Description
The discharge is currently operating a 0.22 MGD Class II oxidation ditch type wastewater treatment plant containing a bar screen, primary settling tank, sludge thickener, bio-roughing tank, oxidation ditch, two final clarifiers, ultra-violet (uv) light disinfection, post aeration ditches and a parshall flume flow metering device.